
What Prompts Frustratingly Slow Windows Startup

My computer has fairly fast windows startup, around 60-70 seconds most of the time. Ok, that is not newsworthy but a lot of my friends (the ones who won't follow my advice) tell me that their pc's take Phone accessories upwards of five minutes to start. To me that seems insane, but I know it is more common than microsoft would like to admit. What triggers 2G Sunglasses Mp3 Player the computer to take so long starting up and what can be done to fix it? These are two good questions and the answers are actually pretty straight forward. Firstly, what triggers the computer to boot so slow? There are several things that add to the problem. Each one of them on it's own contributes a little bit more overhead to the process, so fixing only one of the offenders will help a tiny bit and each additional issue addressed helps a little more. The primary cause of slow startup times are startup programs, windows prefetch, temporary files, clogged registry, hard drive fragmentation, low memory, and malware. I will talk about each of these areas in turn.Startup programs are simply what the name says, programs that are configured to fire up every time you boot your computer. Many of these are not required and certainly not desired. You can find great free tools to find and disable these programs very easily. A favorite of mine is the startup tool in CCLeaner. Google it and download, it will help.Less than adequate memory is another widespread problem. Most of the computers you buy these days do not come pre-installed with the highest amount of memory they can handle. Do some research on your computer to find out how much you currently have installed and how much your computer can run. Then go purchase what you need to bring it up to max. This is one of the less expensive things you can do and yet it gives some of the most impressive performance improvements.Temporary files, this one cracks me up because windows keeps your temporary files around forever if you Sports Cameras dont get Sports Cameras rid of them yourself. Those appear more like permanent files to me. A very easy fix here though is to use a tool you already downloaded, CCleaner. The default function of this tool is to clean temporary files off your computer.A clogged registry can seriously slow your computer down. The registry though is a very vital Sports Cameras piece of your operating system and changes here should be approached with extreme caution. You can buy or download free registry cleaners, but I would leave registry changes to trained proffessionals.Hard drive fragmentation is pretty common and is a major contributer to lengthy boot times. Download and install Smart Defrag. A very good free utility.Malware, which encompasses all vaireties of malicious software from Spyware to Sports Cameras Viruses and everything in between, are another significant cause of lengthy start times.Windows prefetch is a folder that keeps files relevant to your settings of most programs. With time these files grow to be outdated and filled with worthless and erronious information. You should remove the contents of this folder if you have a slow windows startup problem. This is an simple manual process.If you would like more information about windows startup risky feel free to visit my website about windows startup risky where you will find useful articles and links.

