
Nu By Marc Anthony

Marc Anthony has continued to rise as a star in the spotlight. From his music career, to his hefty purchases of million dollar homes and entire football teams, we are learning each day of his multitude of talents. This top selling Puerto Rican-American musician/singer-songwriter has also, recently, stepped into the role of producer and actor. Amongst these talents, is his newest venture. Marc Anthony is now using his fashion sense and formal background, to take lead with the creation of the clothing/accessory line, Nu by Marc Anthony.Marc Anthony has dipped his hand into many varieties of talent and purchases. Now, the minority owner of the Miami Dolphins NFL team, Anthony is always searching for the next best thing. Born in New York City, Anthony was named after the Mexican singer Marco Antonio Muniz. As a child, in a family of eight, Anthony had always exhibited himself as on stage. A born actor and performer, this multi-talented individual started his career as soon as possible.After a musical career erupted for Marc Anthony, he began to settled down. Although the settling process did not take this star out of the spotlight. Now the father of daughter Adrianna (born 1994), as well as twins, Emme and Maximallian (born 2008) he has a life full of family. Currently wife to Jennifer Lopez, and father to three, this entrepreneur has not stopped there. His new efforts have been placed within a booming fashion line, referred to as rc flying shark Nu by Marc Anthony. Nu by Marc Anthony exhibits fresh colors, vibrant silhouettes and the overall inspiration to want to be a part of the fashion world. The modern flare to simple items are said to be wearable in most any occasion. As Anthony has always been inspired by fashion and art, he is using the customer as his conscious muse. Creating fits and comfort for all, a fine mix has been created. With years of experience in the fashion world, from working at Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills, to working as a visual merchandiser, Anthony seemed anxious to take this step as into a air swimmers designer role. Prior to his work with Nu, he worked as a men’s designer for an L.A. boutique. After his experience in this avenue, he decided to move to a women’s line, which he is now known for today.Nu by Marc Anthony was formally known as Nu Collective. It is now a fashionable twist on the modern classics. Friends and followers of Anthony’s new collection include: Eva Longoria, Nicky and Paris Hilton, Lauren Conrad and Lindsay Lohan (to name a few). Anthony and Jennifer Lopez have also been known to strut this new gear at prime-time red carpet events.Consistently featured in most all of the top publications exhibiting fashion, the RC Air Swimmers reviews are almost always fantastic! Magazines such as Style, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, People and US have all featured Marc Anthony’s new clothing line.Musician, producer, actor, father, husband, designer - who wouldn’t be excited to see what this man takes on next?

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